sonicfast JAM

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Oh the Power

I flew down to them and all at once they fired. Every shot missing me, my speed was faster than they could shoot. I flew up to one of them and nailed him right in the face. Then almost at the same moment, I did a backkick, knocking the negivites behind me down like bowling pins. After round house kick they were all down. I had defeated a small army in seconds.

Like Lightning

At that moment I thought of what my father would have done, and the next sec I found myself flying not running flying back to the city. It was amazing the suit had the power I had dreamed of all my life. All I had to do was want something to happen. Then I saw the city ahead. I wanted to destroy all of the negivites. Just then I saw a army of them. I hovered above them for a while. Then one shot at me. I quickly moved and the laser blast missed me. The war of good and evil had just begun.

More of what DAN said

The suit continued, I was made by Dr.John Mullens, and was made to stop all evil in the universe. I was also made to carry on Dr.John Mullens into history. This suit is at anyone's service that wears it, and by my readings you are Jack. Dr. Mullens son. All you have to do with this suit is imagination something happening and it will happen, but there are limits, which you must discover for yourself. Now that you are wearing the suit, it is your resonibly to bring dowm all evil. "How?", I asked. Then DAN replyed, "For starts go back to the city you were just in and face the negivites.

Monday, November 21, 2005

What Happened

I stopped but I was miles away from the city. What had happened? I felt that I had a lot of power more than someone my size was able to produce but, how what had changed. All did was run... Wait I put on the suit! Then I heard the voice again it said welcome JAM. I quickly said "who was that". The voice then reponded I am DAN the suit you are wearing is very powerful. I gives u ablities that no one else can do. I am the brain of th suit.

A New Ablity

The negivite looked at me as if he saw a ghost even though I was scared to death of him. His look changed quickly as he walked toward me. I thought the best thing to do would be run, but being as scared as I was I could not move. Suddenly the I thought of the suit I brought with me, and the last words that my Dad said "Protect JAM". I took the suit out I glanced at it and noticed a button. I quickly pressed it. The suit suddenly jumped onto my skin and began to mold into me. Then I heard a voice say run, at that point I was able to run. It had seemed the fear had left me. So I ran but I ran too fast. I was going faster than a plane, and broke the sound barrier, and made a sonic boom.

The Enemy Returns

As i walked around I saw that the city looked old. I was walking around a corner of one of the buildings and thats when I saw them. The negavites were everywhere. I must be in the negaverse my father have told me of this place it was where the negavites made slaves of all the people, who lived there. The negavites must have taken over the planet, and were controling its people. It was horble! First my Dad dies then I end up in the worst place possible. Then one of the negivites saw me.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The City

The next thing I knew I was in some sort of ancient city. The city was built up in many shades of gray. There were people scurrying about endlessly appeared that they had no real direction. I did not know where I was. I was was not sure if these people were friendly, but they posed no threat for the time being. So I approached one of the people. There faces were as gray as the city. The person that I had tried to stop just walked around me. It was as if he did not have a care what I had to say. Many I tried a few other people all having the same reactions. It seemed that there goal was to get no where, and get there fast, and without interrupting.


I had to think fast, should i take the suit or not. Then I remembered my father saying "protect JAM". With that in mind I opened the case that the suit was in, took the suit, and ran to the teleporting machine. I had not learned how to use the teleporting machine. So I pressed a random button hoping it would take me away from the negivites. The machine started up. I had no idea where I was going to end up, but at this moment anywhere would be better than here.